Tag: workplaces

  • MiTek Design Moves Forward

    JEMA's design for MiTek's new offices at Fountain Lake in St. Charles, MO is moving...

  • Geile/Leon Chooses JEMA

    Geile/Leon and JEMA will work together on a new headquarters for the marketing...

  • The Project within a Project

    The details of a project are at once the most rewarding and the most frustrating steps in the design process. Is God or is the devil in the...

  • NISC Expands Their Campus

    NISC worked with JEMA to expand their existing corporate headquarters located in Lake Saint Louis,...

  • JEMA Expands Its Own Space

    JEMA has grown out of its office space and renovated additional areas in our current building to keep pace with our expanding activities and...

  • HM Capital Selects JEMA

    HM Capital and JEMA collaborated to create a new office environment that reflects their evolving brand and...

  • NISC Breaks Ground

    JEMA recently broke ground on NISC's new corporate...