Have You Had Your Bath Today?
Have you ever taken a forest bath? In Japan, taking a forest bath is commonplace.
Being in a forest for a whole day is a way to relieve stress and commune with nature. In Japan, this type of immersion in a forest is called “forest bathing.” Becoming “submerged” in a forest is part of working at JEMA. Every year in the spring, we all take a forest bath together.
We go to a private property located just outside of Rosebud, MO. It is a beautiful forested acreage with a small private lake and lakeside cabin. Kayaking, canoeing, and bonfires are all part of the joy. And of course, we spend the day in the forest… surrounded by oak, walnut, dogwood, redbud, and pine trees.
We are serious about strategy and goals, but we also serious about having fun. We know the value and bonding power of playing together, hanging out together, and just having fun together.
Here are a few photos of JEMAtreat 2017.